Deactivated WWII German MP40

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  • Product Code: N6
  • Availability: Out Of Stock

This is a WWII German MP40 that was manufactured by for Erfurter Maschinenfabrik B. Geipel GmbH (ERMA) using secret makers code "ayf" and dated 1943, and has matching numbers to the majority of parts and carries the correct Nazi acceptance stamps WaA280 and WaA44. Erma are one of the rarer makers of the MP40, initially producing the MP38, they ceased production of the mp40 in 1943, this example being one from their last batches.

The MP40 was an innovative design in both terms of manufacture and as a weapon of war. It was made using stamped steel and Bakelite parts and had a very clever folding stock arrangement making it an ideal compact weapon for the German Fallshrimjager (paratroops). The MP40 was issued widely throughout the German army with infantry divisions and SS units receiving them first in 1940, and was only in production from 1940 to 1945. It was also a favourite with Allied troops and was a prized trophy and often it would be used in preference to other available weapons if captured. 

Deactivated to current specifications with tensioned cocking lever.

This item is available for purchase and is being certificated at the proof house.

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