Deactivated OLD SPEC WWII Bren MKIm

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  • Product Code: DEAO5
  • Availability: Out Of Stock
  • £595.00

A superb condition WWII Bren MK1m.  Originally manufactured  in Canada by Inglis in 1942, this Bren would have been shipped over to Europe for issue to Allied troops. Then in 1954 it was "Factory Through Repaired"  by the Australians and stamped MA/54/F.T.R. A very good indication of service use. Unit marked on the brass disc "5B". Many Bren's then seeing service again during many of the post war conflicts. A very well traveled Bren and in superb condition. Deactivated sympathetically in 1994 to old specifications it can be cocked, stripped and dry fired.

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