Deactivated WW2 German K98 byf43

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  • Product Code: 35236
  • Availability: in stock
  • £895.00

This is a superb example of a WWII Nazi K98. This one was manufactured by Mauser under the secret code "byf" in 1943. That year Mauser marked their guns with Waffenamt acceptance stamp Eagle over 135 whilst some component parts used can be found with WaA655 & WaA63 from the previous years production, as seen on this carbine. Virtually all parts are matched to the rifle including the woodwork. Even the cleaning rod has a nazi eagle acceptance! 1943 also saw the introduction of simplified parts, the nose cap on this k98 and lack of inspectors Waffen stamps. This was in part done by the newly appointed Minster of Armaments, Albert Speer who had been tasked by Hitler to increase weapons production. We know this K98 ended the war in Norway from their post war property markings. Norway was of great strategic importance to Germany during the war, with an estimated 300,00 to 400,00 men at any one time being garrisoned there from the Army, Navy and Luftwaffe. Deactivated with a working action.


Minister of Armaments

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