Deactivated WW2 ANZAC Lithgow SMLE

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  • Product Code: 753smle
  • Availability: Reserved
  • £795.00

This is a rare WW2 Lithgow manufactured SMLE dated 1942 with all visible numbers matching. Lithgow SMLE production was incredibly slow, even through the war years. For example this rifles serial number starts with an E prefix. Lithgow started making the E block SMLE's in 1942 and finally completed it 1944, taking them over two years to make just 9,999 rifles! In comparison Enfield and BSA were producing similar amounts in one month! This example has a very low serial number of E753, meaning it is gun number 753rd of block E, being completed in 1943 and still retaining its original factory numbered bolt and woodwork. The stock bears two dates of 1943, when first issued and 3/45 (March 1945) when re-assigned agin whilst in service. Another unusual feature is the rare brass sling hoop band. The vast majority of these rifles were issued to the ANZAC's (Australian and New Zealand Army Corps) who saw service all over the world including Europe, The Middle east and Asia, on land, sea and air. A rare survivor. Deactivated with a working action.

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