Deactivated Russian made Kalashnikov AKM (AK47) Soviet-Afghan War Era

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  • Product Code: 3940ak
  • Availability: Out Of Stock

This is a Russian made Kalashnikov AKM (AK47) assault rifle dated 1976 - Soviet-Afghan War Era. In 1979 the Soviet-Afghan War began with with Russian and the Afghan military fighting against the rebelling Afghan Mujahideen comprising of Islamic militant groups who were supported by Pakistan, China, Iran the US, UK and Arab states. The conflict lasted for 10 years and is often referred to as the "Soviet Unions Vietnam", with a similar outcome to the US in Vietnam. With no sign of victory or end to the conflict eventually Russia withdrew its forces leaving huge quantities of arms and weaponry behind. This AKM is probably the most instantly recognisable variant with wooden stock and banana magaine. Deactivated with a moving trigger.

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