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RARE WW2 Sten No3 MK0 Butt Stock

RARE WW2 Sten No3 MK0 Butt Stock

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Product Information

This is a rare early Second World War Sten gun No3 MK0 Butt Stock, the forerunner to the standard No3 MK1. This design of this Sten stock is outlined in Peter Laidler's book "The Sten Machine Carbine", of which we have included. This example was made and issued into military service, being manufactured by Lines Brothers - dispersal code S68 and broad arrow stamped. It has also had a sling hoop added. Peter states that this stock dates to an "early time frame". It will fit the MK1, MK2 and MK3 Sten's. A rare find!

To order Call 01547 529093 or 05603 416575 or email

Product Code: 68SX4