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Very rare American Sharp & Hankins 1859 Pepperbox 4 Shot Pistol Obsolete Calibre

Very rare American Sharp & Hankins 1859 Pepperbox 4 Shot Pistol Obsolete Calibre

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Product Information

Very rare original American made Sharp & Hankins 1859 Pepperbox breech loading 4 Shot Pistol. First produced in 1859. Two years before the American Civil War started. The pistol is associated with the gamblers, ladies of the evening, and as a hide-out gun of the outlaws and lawmen of the time. The hammer has a rotating firing pin which turns each time it chambers firing each barrel in turn. The barrels slide forward for loading. A very rare antique pistol to find this side of the pond. It has only recently been discovered by relatives during a house clearance. A very rare find indeed! This type of pistol was used by Moriarty in the latest adaption of the Sherlock Holmes . This pistol is chambered in an obsolete calibre and can therefore be owned live without any form of license.

To order Call 01547 529093 or 05603 416575 or email

Product Code: VERQ3


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