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Deactivated AK47 Fitted With Scope & Mounts

Deactivated AK47 Fitted With Scope & Mounts

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Product Information

Deactivated AK47 Fitted with scope & mounts. One of the worlds most versatile weapons, the AK has been used in many modified forms. This example has a bespoke mount with picatinny rail fitted. It can be removed and the standard sights can be refitted and are included. The scope has good clear optics. A very impressive gun. Simple and durable design mean these rifles will work in more or less any conditions with little or no maintenance. Deactivated to current specifications with moving trigger, it is partially strippable. Comes with 30 round banana magazine and leather sling.

To order Call 01547 529093 or 05603 416575 or email

Product Code: DEA47